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Teacher training bursaries wasted on graduates who never enter profession
Recruitment and retention
A report has shown millions of pounds are wasted attracting graduates to teaching, when they in fact never end up entering the profession. By Nicola Woolcock, The Times.
School noticeboards are a fire hazard, warns MP
General education
Labour MP, David Drew, has called on the Government to investigate the safety standards of noticeboards, which are often made of flammable material. BBC News.
'Gove to blame for decline in IB,' says former Conservative minister
General education
Lord Willetts, minister for universities and science between 2010 and 2014, has claimed the former education secretary, Michael Gove MP, is partly to blame for the decline in the International Baccalaureate. By Will Hazell, Tes.
Ten million adults deterred from university due to cost of tuition fees
Higher education
The cost of tuition fees and living costs has meant nearly 10 million adults have "missed out on a university education", according to a survey by Universities UK (UUK) and the CBI. By Richard Vaughan, iNews.
BBC News reports on calls from the CBI and UUK for more support for students wishing to take flexible or part-time courses.
Mother's voice is most effective fire alarm
Child welfare
An experiment, published in the Journal of Paediatrics, has shown children are more responsive to the sound of a fire alarm if the recording has been changed to the sound of their mother’s voice. By Tom Whipple, The Times.
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