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Daily News Summary
25 October 2018

The "cold spots" in education and employment
£10 million donation given to humanities in order to rectify lack of funding
No gender gap in maths, study reveals
'Children today are growing up indoors'
Five hours of homework a week for primary school children
Medical schools attract record number of applicants
An STI is diagnosed every four minutes among 15 to 24-year-olds

The "cold spots" in education and employment


Tes reveals the regional "cold spots" in education and employment prospects for young people. By Stephen Exley.


£10 million donation given to humanities in order to rectify lack of funding


The Wolfson Foundation has donated £10 million to The British Academy, which wants to "make a statement" about the importance of humanities. By Nicola Woolcock, The Times.

Tes reports on the decline of music in schools, following UK Music's call for the chancellor to 'urgently review' music education in state schools.

The Times

No gender gap in maths, study reveals


A study carried out by an education assessment company has revealed "no substantial gender gap" between boys and girls in maths. By Helen Ward, Tes.


'Children today are growing up indoors'


The Green Party's MP for Brighton Pavilion, Caroline Lucas, and natural history writer, Mary Colwell, discuss their desire to reconnect children with wildlife in order to reduce anxiety and prevent children "developing a nature deficit disorder". The Times.

The Times

Five hours of homework a week for primary school children


A survey which questioned 1,000 families with school-age children has revealed one in eight primary school children spend five hours a week on homework. By Nicola Woolcock, The Times.

The Times

Medical schools attract record number of applicants


Following the Government's expansion of medical school places, record numbers of students have applied to study medicine. By Rachel Hall, The Guardian.

The Guardian

An STI is diagnosed every four minutes among 15 to 24-year-olds


Young people are being urged to use condoms after figures from Public Health England's sexual health campaign showed a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is diagnosed every four minutes among 15 to 24-year-olds. By Anne Gulland, The Telegraph.

The Telegraph


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