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Daily News Summary
1 October 2018

Independent schools opening branches abroad
Social media guidelines to conquer issues with children's mental health
School mobile phone ban boosts pupils' concentration
Letters: The rise of unconditional offers and tech giants
'State and private schools should work together to save education'
Scottish independent schools supporting vital subjects
'Universities can also support their community and address the improvements that are needed'
Teachers to be given extra sports coaching to help children get fit

Independent schools opening branches abroad


Figures published today by the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference (HMC) show a growing number of independent schools opening branches abroad. By Nicola Woolcock, The Times. Article quotes Shaun Fenton, chairman of HMC and Andrew Halls, headmaster of King’s College School in Wimbledon. A number of ISC schools are also referenced.

The Times

Social media guidelines to conquer issues with children's mental health


Health and social care secretary, Matt Hancock MP, has said official guidelines for social media use are being written, after evidence emerged of its "detrimental effect on the health of young people". Tes.

In a separate article, The Times reports on HMC research which shows nearly 60% of children aged 11 to 18 have a secret social media profile they hide from their parents. Quotes Mike Buchanan, new executive director of the HMC.


School mobile phone ban boosts pupils' concentration


Dorothy MacGinty, headmistress of Kilgraston School in Perth, announced a mobile phone ban at her school and has seen a huge improvement in pupils' concentration. By Marc Horne, The Times.

The Times

Letters: The rise of unconditional offers and teach giants


There are several letters to The Times responding to Mike Buchanan, new executive director of HMC, who called for universities to stop giving out unconditional offers to students entering higher education. The paper includes a letter from Richard Curtis, assistant head at Shiplake College in Oxfordshire.

The Times reports on a letter to heads gathering for the HMC annual conference today which states schools should improve pupils’ focus amid concern tech giants are taking pupils' attention away.

The Times

'State and private schools should work together to save education'


Bernard Trafford, former independent school headteacher and past chair of HMC, writes in Tes discussing the current education system and arguing that independent schools should 'not be seen as a barrier to social mobility'.


Scottish independent schools supporting vital subjects


Writing in The Scotsman, John Edward, director of the Scottish Council of Independent Schools (SCIS), discusses the language skills shortage and what independent schools are doing to address the issue.


'Universities can also support their community and address the improvements that are needed'


Sam Twiselton, director of the Sheffield Institute of Education, writes in Schools Week discussing how universities can also collaborate with their local community to help improve regional issues. The article references the National Modern Languages SCITT.

Schools Week

Teachers to be given extra sports coaching to help children get fit


Damian Hinds MP, Education Secretary, has revealed a drive to boost competitive sport in schools across the country in a bid to get children fit. By Sarah Harris, Daily Mail.

Daily Mail


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