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Daily News Summary
7 November 2018

DfE issues supportive materials for school partnerships
ISC Blog: 'Many instruments will cease to be played unless something dramatic is done about music education in schools'
'Treat children as individuals, not data subjects'
Government's sex education proposals criticised by women's group
Charity campaign to help educators recognise signs of epilepsy
Children at risk of knife crime when walking home from school, study finds

DfE issues supportive materials for school partnerships


The Department for Education (DfE) has issued supportive materials for partnerships, aligned with the Joint Understanding between the DfE and the independent sector. By Alix Robertson, Schools Week. The article quotes Julie Robinson, general secretary of the Independent Schools Council.

Schools Week

ISC Blog: 'Many instruments will cease to be played unless something dramatic is done about music education in schools'


Mark Bradbury, director of music at the Royal High School Bath, discusses the power of music – in healing, inspiring joy and aiding academic achievement.


'Treat children as individuals, not data subjects'


Aidan Severs, a deputy head in the North of England, writes about the importance of treating children as individuals, not mere numbers on a spreadsheet. Tes.


Government's sex education proposals criticised by women's group


The End Violence Against Women Coalition (EVAWC) has called for a revision of the Government's sex education proposals which, it states, is “squeamish about sex and sexuality”. By Alexandra Topping, The Guardian.

The Guardian

Charity campaign to help educators recognise signs of epilepsy


A campaign by the charity Young Epilepsy is helping teachers and educators recognise the signs of epilepsy. By Katherine Sellgren, BBC News.


Children at risk of knife crime when walking home from school, study finds


Researchers from Queen Mary University of London, Barts Health NHS Trust and two ambulance services, have found children are most at risk of knife crime while walking home from school. By John Simpson, The Times.

The Times


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