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The many advantages of a music education
General education
Antonia Berry, depute rector of St Columba’s School, in Kilmacolm, writes in Tes about the power of music to boost attainment and break down barriers.
"Room for improvement" in marking consistency, says Ofqual
Ofqual has revealed inconsistency in the quality of marking across subjects. By Will Hazell, Tes.
Schools Week reports that Ofqual has found a large number of examiners are unsatisfied with online standardisation.
ISC Blog: Teaching the business of entrepreneurship
ISC blog
Suzie Longstaff, headmistress of Putney High School GDST, argues the importance of teaching pupils about the business of entrepreneurship.
Teachers' mental wellbeing is not monitored at work, according to study
Mental health
The mental health of teachers is not being monitored at work, according to three quarters of teachers surveyed. By Caroline Henshaw, Tes.
The impact of schools asking parents for funding support
Social mobility
Afua Hirsch looks at the growing trend of schools asking parents to contribute towards their child's education. The Guardian.
Over three quarters of parents want more input in their child's education
A report from Parentkind has found 77% of parents would like more involvement in the education of their child. By Helen Ward, Tes.
"Good schools should be supported not chastised for effective behaviour policies"
General education
Dame Sally Coates, director of secondary academies at United Learning, argues that schools should have the freedom "to sanction misbehaving pupils". The Times.
Universities failing to increase the number of disadvantaged students
Higher education
Reform, a public services think tank, has revealed that universities are failing to increase the proportion of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. By Nicola Woolcock, The Times.
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