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Daily News Summary
23 May 2018

New diversity drive at Oxford University
Geography degree is the most popular among privileged students
Six points from the education committee hearing
Guidance is needed on pupils’ social media safety, says international anti-bullying charity
Dealing with challenging parents of SEND children
Advice to help pupils understand terrorist attacks

New diversity drive at Oxford University


The University of Oxford has published its full admissions figures which reveal nearly one in five students enrolling at Oxford are now either black or minority ethnic. By Harry Yorke, The Telegraph. Also reported by The Guardian, The Independent and BBC News. Louise Richardson, vice-chancellor of the University of Oxford, has written a comment piece in The Times arguing that equality will not be solved by Oxford University alone.

The Telegraph
The Guardian
The Independent

Geography degree is the most popular among privileged students


Geography is now the most popular subject to study at university among privileged students. By Rosemary Bennett, The Times. Also reported by Daily Mail. The Times leading article is also about this subject.

The Times
Daily Mail

Six points from the education committee hearing


Tes details six things Nick Gibb, school standards minister, discussed during the Commons Education Select Committee which took place yesterday.


Guidance is needed on pupils’ social media safety, says international anti-bullying charity


Sue Jones, global deputy chief executive officer of charity Ditch the Label, has called for official guidance for schools on keeping children safe on social media. By Alix Robertson, Schools Week.

Schools Week

Dealing with challenging parents of SEND children


Tes' sendco columnist, Gemma Corby, details how to work with three common types of challenging parents.


Advice to help pupils understand terrorist attacks


Terry O’Hara, manager of the Survivors Assistance Network, advises schools on how to discuss terrorist attacks with pupils. Tes.



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