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Daily News Summary
30 July 2018

Staffing shortages mean language courses are at risk in schools
Russian pupil numbers at independent schools
'Strong school leaders always recognise that children come first'
More parents driving children to school, despite air pollution fears
'Universities should pitch to parents too'
The seven most ill-used set texts at school

Staffing shortages mean language courses are at risk in schools


There are now far fewer language teachers than there were a decade ago, meaning headteachers are now having to cut lessons. By Daniel Sanderson, The Times.

The Times

Russian pupil numbers at independent schools


Coverage over the weekend focussed on the number of Russian pupils attending British independent schools, following an article by Robert Verkaik in The Telegraph. Also reported by The Times and Daily Mail.

Articles quote figures from the Independent Schools Council's annual Census.


'Strong school leaders always recognise that children come first'


Dr Bernard Trafford, interim headteacher of The Purcell School in Hertfordshire, writes that strong school leaders never place exam results before their pupils - children always come first. Tes.


More parents driving children to school, despite air pollution fears


The National Travel Survey, carried out by the Government, has revealed that fewer children are now walking to school despite mounting evidence of air pollution health harms. By Matthew Taylor, The Guardian.

The Guardian

'Universities should pitch to parents too'


Mary Curnock-Cook, an independent educationist and former chief executive, argues that universities should reach out to parents as well as pupils. Tes.


The seven most ill-used set texts at school


This week celebrates 30 years of the national curriculum. The Independent rounds-up the books they feel are the 'most ill-used by English teachers and their classes alike'. By Joe Sommerlad.

The Independent


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