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Considering taking T-levels? Best to 'leave it a year', says skills minister
Skills minister, Anne Milton, has shown a lack of confidence in the new T-level qualification, due to be launched in 2010. By Rosemary Bennett, The Times.
Tes includes an article reporting on remarks made by the shadow further education minister, Gordon Marsden, who has criticised Ms Milton for her comments.
Misbehaving children should be ignored in class
Teaching and learning
According to a study led by the University of Exeter Medical School, teachers who ignore misbehaving children, and praise the well-behaved, were more likely to see positive results in the overall conduct of the class. By Eleanor Busby, The Independent.
Changes to religious education are long overdue, report shows
General education
Former Labour education secretary, Charles Clarke, has stated that religious education in schools is outdated and should better reflect the UK. By Harriet Sherwood, The Guardian.
Learning should continue throughout the summer holidays
General education
Daisy Christodoulou, director of education at No More Marking, argues that children should not allow learning to 'disappear' over the summer holidays. Tes.
Bug corrupts school information management systems
General education
A bug has hit Capita’s Schools Information Management System (SIMS), which supplies information management to 23,000 schools. By Pippa Allen-Kinross, Schools Week.
Holiday childcare - how much does it really cost?
The Family and Childcare Trust has surveyed local councils across England, Scotland and Wales about the cost of holiday childcare provision. By Katherine Sellgren, BBC News.
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