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Daily News Summary
17 July 2018

Bursary provision a "driving principal" behind schools opening campuses abroad
'Unmanageable workload ruined teaching for me'
'Unconditional offers are not helping students'
'The education system needs radical reform'
Arts Council calls for more more black characters in children's books
NEU says private home tutors should face criminal record checks
Social mobility tsar job received small number of applications
'Don't worry, summer holidays are nearly here'

Bursary provision a "driving principal" behind schools opening campuses abroad


ISC Research says independent schools open campuses abroad in order to offer more bursaries and keep fees down in the UK. By Camilla Turner, The Telegraph. Article quotes Barnaby Lenon, ISC chairman.

The Telegraph

'Unmanageable workload ruined teaching for me'


Tes features an anonymised case study of a teacher whose passion for the profession was extinguished by 'the workload epidemic'.


'Unconditional offers are not helping students'


Kirsti Lord, deputy chief executive of the Association of Colleges, warns that some students drop out of college after receiving unconditional offers from universities. Tes.


'The education system needs radical reform'


Melissa Benn, founder of the Local Schools Network, calls for the left to come up with radical reforms of the education system, and questions the role played by independent schools. The Guardian.

The Guardian

Arts Council calls for more more black characters in children's books


The Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE) has found that only 4 per cent of primary school children's books published last year featured a black, Asian or minority ethnic (BAME) character. By Camilla Turner, The Telegraph.

The Telegraph

NEU says private home tutors should face criminal record checks


The National Education Union (NEU) has called for private home tutors to receive criminal record checks before they can work with children. By Charles Heslett, BBC News.


Social mobility tsar job received small number of applications


Department for Education records reveal that six applications for the Government’s new social mobility tsar role were received before the original deadline. By Freddie Whittaker, Schools Week.

Schools Week

'Don't worry, summer holidays are nearly here'


One teacher offers others in the profession reassurance that lesson plans and marking are nearly over for the year. By Yvonne Williams, Tes.



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