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There was a mistake in the Daily News Summary, sent out at 13:15 today, which stated there have been reports on a decline in independent girls' schools' results.
However, these reports were in fact from 2017 and do not relate to this year's exam results.
ISC apologises for this mistake.
Independent schools' Year 13 exam results
The Independent Schools Council published schools' A-level results this weekend which has revealed close to half of A-level entries were awarded either A* or A, almost double the national average. Read the full press release and find further exam results data here.
The Telegraph includes a full league table for A-level results and quotes Barnaby Lenon, chairman of ISC.
Reports include a piece in The Telegraph which states independent schools' top A-level grades have dropped to their lowest level in eight years. The Times reports that schools have an unfair advantage because alternatives to A-levels are 'graded more generously'. Following The Times report, Andrew Halls, headmaster of King’s College School Wimbledon, has written a letter to the editor clarifying his points made on the Pre-U. Letter half-way down.
The Express reports that alternatives to A-levels are on the rise in independent schools - with record numbers having taken BTECs this year. This is also reported by Daily Mail, at the end of an article about universities potentially scrapping their list of preferred A-level subjects, following criticism it could harm the UK’s creative industries.
Letters to The Telegraph: Alastair Speers, headmaster of Sandroyd School, writes that independent schools' development of soft skills should be celebrated as well as their exam results. Former chairman of the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference (HMC), Dr Christopher Ray, has also written to The Telegraph discussing improvements in state sector results. Letters at the top of the page.
Letters to The Times: Richard Cairns, headmaster of Brighton College comments on the results of schools taking IGCSEs.
Pupils to help staff with technology in the classroom
Independent sector
At Sheffield High School for Girls pupils have submitted job-style applications and gone through an interview, in order to become a 'digital leader' and use their technology skills to help teachers with any online problems. Quotes Stephen Wiles, head of e-learning, as well as a number of pupils at the school. By Nicola Woolcock, The Times.
Letters: preparation for primary-aged pupils
Patrick Derham, headmaster of Westminster School, writes to The Times about preparing children for primary school.
School performance measures
General education
Dr Bernard Trafford, interim headteacher of The Purcell School in Hertfordshire writes in Tes debating the performance measures used by schools.
Scottish pupils should be able to see their marked papers, says head
Scottish education
Scottish pupils should be able to see their marked exam papers in order to reduce the number of appeals, says Melvyn Roffe, principal at George Watson’s College. By John Boothman, The Times.
Former Cheadle Hulme to play cricket for India
And finally
Prithvi Shaw, an 18-year-old former pupil at Cheadle Hulme School, has been called up to the India squad for the fourth Test. Quotes headteacher, Lucy Pearson. By Richard Gibson, Daily Mail.
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